Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friends, Fregene and Firenze, oh my...

Wow, it has been a busy and slightly crazy few weeks.We had a visit from Stuart and his niece Alexa, it was my birthday, and Tom was off so we took a few days in Firenze (Florence).Let's get the housekeeping out of the way first...
I know the temperature here in Rome has only been in the mid 80's but with the added humidity and our proximity to the sun - it has felt like 100!
Proof of this has been my garden. Tthe tomatoes are growing wild and the harvest has been wonderful but the sun has been frying my plants. I need to leave the garden umbrella up over the plants just so we do not get Fried Green Tomatoes on the Vine. Our lastest harvest was used for a lovely dinner of cold pasta, mozzarella, and fresh tomatoes. It also was a party to a lovely omelete of panchetta smothered with diced fresh tomatoes. Since I can not share our tomatoes this year, I will simply share a tasty photo.

On to our guests, Stuart was back visiting us for two weeks - one week by himself and the second week we were joined by his neice Alexa (a lovely young lady and fun to be around). Most of the first week was low-key but the second was filled with travel, fun, and of course Wine! We made our way to Siena, Sorrento, Positano and the standard touring of Roma...a good time was had by all!
Here are a few photos of our adventures:
Alexa - the Colosseum
Alexa, Stuart - at the Eden Hotel

The Spanish Steps
At the Vatican...
The water at Positano

The Amalfi Coast

Marco at La Cambusa Positano

Salvatore from Mamma Giovanni's
As you can see we had a great visit, saw some wonderful sights, had many great meals, and just enjoyed seeing more of this great country we are blessed to reside in.
If you are ever in Capri - you have to dine at Mamma Giovanni's! A family owned restuarant with amazing food and even more amazing atmosphere...

After our guests left it was time to celebrate - not their leaving but the next big events...
My Birthday and Tom's Vacation...
On my birthday Tom suggested that we spend it at the beach - Great Idea! We drove down to Fregene to the Terreno Village Beach Club. It was a cool day with moderate waves and a nice breeze (actually a wind). The water was a little rough and no one was swimming but still a lovely day. We had an amazing lunch and then just rested at seaside watching the day go by...
Due to the strong wind and waves there were a lot of surfers and para-surfers out-and-about - here is a great clip of one guy who looked like he was having a blast:
A peaceful day just hanging with my honey!
Just relaxing with a book...
Great Beach Club!

End of the day...
This is beach drink service!!!

Thanks to all for their birthday wishes!
Since Tom took the week off we made plans to take a few days in Firenze (Florence). We had a fantastic time - we saw the David, the Venus de Milo, walked around the town, had tasty lunches, and amazing dinners! I decided while we were there we were going to add a piece of us to a long lasting tradition in Firenze - we added a personalized Bike Lock to the collection of locks by the Ponte Vecchio.
Lunch at the Golden View!
Our Anniversary Lock!

Michaelangelo's David
Tom & I at the Duomo

...and a Martini at the Four Seasons Bar...

It was a restful wonderful few days away...
Back in Roma, Tom wanted to see some of the sights he had missed while working. One specific place he was eager to see was the view of Roma from atop the Vittorio Emanuele II Monument (aka the Wedding Cake). Here are some photos and a great video of the views we had.
Tom atop the Wedding Cake
Winged Justice...
Tom & the Colosseum

Well, now we are going to have a nice relaxing weekend and go out to a fabulous dinner for our anniversary! Monday comes too soon!
Love and Miss everybody very much...
Please have a great summer - stay cool - be well!
Till next time -
Hugs & Kisses - Ron & Tom

Friday, July 8, 2011

Eventful vs. Uneventful...

Howdy all! or Ciao a tutti! (yeah, I am still proud of my test grade but still have A LOT to learn)This week was what I would call a very uneventful yet very eventful week!
Tom was away in Switzerland for a few days at a big annual meeting... Go Tom!
I just tried to avoid the heat...

While on a walk...
I was up by the Republic Square refilling my water bottle at a local fountain and I noticed a bunch of photographers gathering around the side entrance of the building. Then two official looking dudes dressed in red & gold uniforms came out of the door. All the photogs rushed over to the entrance and started snapping pictures. All I heard in English was '...over here Sir Allen, no, over here Sir Allen...'. So...I pulled out my camera and started taking pictures. I did not recognize who it was at the time. Later, I realized what the hub-bub was about. It seems that Woody Allen is shooting a film here in Rome and was visiting with the Republic.
Here you go - my attempt at being a paparazzi...
I hear next week he will be filming on the Via Veneto...hmmm...maybe a drink at Harry's Bar is in order!

My other events involved meeting new people. A few weeks back I joined a group called 'Friends in Rome'. I posted a message stating that I would like to meet people who speak Italian (to help me) and want to improve their English (no jokes about my English). Sort of trading services...
As usual in life - when it rains it pours...
Not only did someone contact me to meet them for caffe but the organization had a 'get-together' - guess when - on the same day! So, as not to miss out on any opportunities, I did both...
At 4pm yesterday - I meet a wonderful, very pleasant gentlemen for a drink and had two hours of fun conversation (a psychotherapist with a motorcycle) - then ran home changed and went down to the 'get-together' at 8pm. The event was held on the Isola Tiberina (Tiber Island - press the link to read about it). There was about 30 people there and I met two very nice people. One formally from NYC, living in Dubai, and staying in Rome for a few months. The second a student from California studying Medieval Spanish Literature.
I had a great time but didn't get home until 1:30am (ugh) - we talked and did not notice the time.
It was a long day but well worth it! Hopefully, these connections will pan-out to possible friends in the future.
Another piece of good news - we are finally getting our new (automatic) car today! Yippy!
It was not what we originally wanted but it will be perfectly wonderful. We were lucky enough to get a new Mercedes E220 Wagon...(yes a station wagon)...
It's not a 'little Italian car' but will be wonderful for weekend trips and picking folks up at the airport.
Tom is out right not getting our new ride...

On the homefront, the garden is doing great! I think the sun here is even a little too strong for even them. The plants are getting a little brown (I guess sunburn) but the fruit is loving the suns attention. I have already started harvesting our crop...take a look...

Well I guess that is all for now. Tomorrow Tom is talking about going to the beach and on Sunday Stuart arrives for his second stay at the BRS Europe. Other than that all is well and hope everybody had a great 4th of July!
Love to all and enjoy the weekend...
Ron & Tom

Monday, July 4, 2011

From the Beach to the Mountains...

First I would like to wish all our friends and family a Very Happy and Safe 4th of July!Unfortunately, the Italians do not have this celebration but we did have a holiday this week. It was Saints Peter & Paul Day this past Wednesday - Tom had off and it was a beautiful day!
Beautifully warm water...
Lots of people...

The water was even
warm enough for Tom
We took a drive down to the beach at Fregene (by the airport).
We stopped at a beach side resort called Tirreno Village.
The weather was breezy and very sunny, the sand was dark and hot, the water was wonderfully warm, and lunch was amazing...
I think all the Italians were there that day.
As I said we had a wonderful lunch of fresh seafood, pasta, and a tasty white wine! Who could ask for more... After lunch we took a brief walk at the shoreline and just enjoyed each other and the day!

It was a relaxing and fabulous day spent with my honey and the beach - not bad!
The rest of the week Tom continued on the big presentation he has been working on. I continued to roam around and tend the garden. I will only give you two pictures of the garden this week. We are starting to harvest the crop. Just last night Tom picked about a dozen ripe cherry tomatoes which we enjoyed with some fresh cheese and some of our homegrown basil.
Peppers getting ready...
More tomatoes ripening...

Ok, off the garden and the remainder of the week - it's now the weekend and we are off to the mountains!

 Tom thought it would be fun to take a drive to Montepulciano - I definitely agreed.
Montepulciano is a medieval and Renaissance hill town and in the province of Siena in southern Tuscany about a 2 hour drive from the house. Montepulciano has an elevation of 605 m and sits on a high limestone ridge. Montepulciano is a major producer of food and drink. Montepulciano is known world-wide for its fabulous wine. Wine connoisseurs consider its Vino Nobile among Italy's best (and we agree). However, the Vino Nobile di Montepulciano should not be confused with the varietal wine (Montepulciano grape) of the same name. Montepulciano is also known for its pork, cheese, "pici" pasta (a thick, rough, chewy variant on spaghetti), lentils, honey, and handmade cooper goods.
If you are a mountain goat it is a wonderful place - you definitely need to like walking up (and down) 45 degree angles.
We had a wonderful lunch overlooking the view above and then wondered around the town. It was overcast and a little drizzly but still beautiful. Uo at the elevation we were at it was about 20 degrees cooler than in Rome. As luck may have it there are two other things that Montepulciano is known for.
-  One is absolutely amazing handmade copper cookware and kitchen goods. We met the man who makes the items and then, of course, went to the shop where they sell the items and met his wife.
<><> <><> <><>
Shop-owner, Tom, &
our new Wine Cooler
& my new wine pitcher & risotto pot...

The Cathedral St. Maria Assunta
- The second item is just a simple exploitation of the beauty of the town. If this square looks fimiliar then you have watched the Twilight movie - New Moon. This is where the 'Volterra' met - they were the Supreme Court of the Vampires. 
The City Hall

Well, I am having a little trouble uploading pictures and I think I will go for lunch so I am going to end this installment of the blog.
Again, I wish everyone a very happy and safe 4th of July! Wish we were there to celebrate with you! Enjoy...
Lastly, I told Tom I was going to say this - I hope everybody gets it...
Last week I was walking around Rome and in my head I realized the following... 'There are a lot of Italians in Rome'. It may sound silly but it finally struck me! Guess I am just slow!

Ok - to everybody - we send our love and best to all!
Till next week!
Ron & Tom