Thursday, March 28, 2013

Buona Pasqua a tutti!

As the title says Buona Pasqua a tutti - which translates to 'Happy Easter to all'...
Though Easter is here it seems spring is not! The weather for the past few weeks has been in the 40s-50s (maybe one or two days in the low 60s) and almost everyday it has rained.
On the bright side, everything is a beautiful shade of green and local wold flowers are going crazy.
Tom & I have booked the holiday weekend in Sorrento & Positano! It is one of our favorite areas in our adopted country of Italy! A nice walk around Sorrento, a drive down the Amalfi Coast, lunch with Marco at La Cambusa and just a quiet weekend away... 
Now to onto the move...
Our upcoming relocation is moving along...slowly...but moving along.
Tom and I visited the Swiss Embassy in Rome to start our documentation - his went through smoothly - mine on the other hand had a few hiccups (which I will resolve quickly). Our guess is that lady at the desk was not used to processing the documentation for a couple such as us. No biggy, just a few more T's to cross and I's to dot.
According to the company relocation assistance - this issue should not be an issue at all. I will return with my information after the holiday.

Since we have spent two wonderful years here in Rome and in our lovely apartment, I decided to have a small keepsake made to help us remember our time here... Take a look...
The Original Street Sign from
our corner...
A smaller version in marble
for us to take with us
into the future!

On the home-front, Tom is busy at work. He has been doing a lot of traveling for meetings. Unfortunately, we both know, this will only increase as he starts to transition into his new job. He already knows that he will be traveling to Dubai for some meetings in April and May (another reason the weekend away will be great). He has been home on the weekends so we have been wandering around the city, weather permitting. Last weekend we went down to the center and had a wonderful relaxing lunch at 'da Fortunato' - a great restaurant by the Pantheon!

I have been continuing to work on my ceramics. 
  -  The '2 Season Bowl' is baked and awaits painting.
  -  The maleform sculpture was also baked and I finished painting it a few days ago...
  -  Even with my limited time, I have started on new project. The Maestro has talked me into replicating a Rodin sculpture - No, not the Thinker - a Sculpture of Adam. It has been an interesting piece to work on. It is kind of fun starting with a 'blob' of clay and seeing how it takes form. It is also amazing how heavy a small piece can get when it is solid clay. But, I learned how to perform plastic surgery on the piece to clean clay out of the center of the sculpture. I can't wait to finish this sculpture, have it baked and bronze it - like the original. 

Here is the progression of Adam, my first standing sculpture...
Picture of the original...
The Original!
Stage 1 - the Blob...

Stage 2 - Front w/arms...
Stage 2 - Back...

Plastic Surgery...

It was very interesting to do this. After spending so much time building him up and creating a proper shape it was weird to dig out holes and start removing clay from the inside. I was very difficult to do this. The statue that I am making is about 18" tall and my fingers were too big for the process. Once enough clay  was removed I had to refill the holes with patches and try to get Adam back to his progressive form. Finally, when completed with my surgery, he was much lighter and easier to deal with...

Stage 3 - legs & details...
Stage 3 - Back!

Now I am getting into the details - I started working on his hands and his feet - amazingly detailed work trying to create toes and fingers so small. Patience, patience, patience...
Looking forward to getting him finished and baked soon - this will be my final Italian Sculpture!
Ok, Enough bad Italian artwork...
A few odd photos of local color...
A cool rowboat at the lake...
Teatro Marcello area...

Lastly, I went on a moped ride with a friend of is a short clip of our ride:

Nothing else special going on here - I will try and keep everybody as informed as possible with what is going on but for now I have to just wish everybody a very Happy Good Friday and a Very Happy Easter.
We love and miss all our family and friends...
Abbracci a tutti!
Ciao for now...
Ron & Tom

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Rainy Spring in Rome...

Well, the reason I haven't posted much is because of the title! We have had an amazingly rainy February and March here in Rome. It hasn't been a steady rain but shower...sun...shower...sun...just weird.
During the few breaks of sun I have gotten out to do some roaming around. That being said, I have decided to do a miscellaneous photo post. Just a bunch of various places, people and things that struck my fancy.
So here it goes...
Let's start with vehicles:
The Pepto-mobile
I guess it would be easy to find
in a parking lot...
This was in Campo di Fiori
The Mortadella-mobile
A definite photo-op!

Let's move on to people:
The Wolfman...
This guy was by the
Colosseo howling...
The Frier...
Giving directions to
a lost visitor...

A new attraction in
Piazza Navona
At St. Peters Sqr
a female tourist was
trying to get the cops
to pose with her Barbie!

On to places:
Street-sign Art
Always makes me laugh &
think how creative!
One of the many
Street-corner Shrines...
All over & very pretty!

My favorite little bus...
The 116 is an electric bus
I take many times a week!
At the Bus Stop in the
Ville Borghese,
again a frequent stop!

During one of the breaks in the rain I traveled down to the area by Tiber Island (Isola di Tiberina). It is a small island in the middle of the Tiber River that runs through Rome. Normally, it is simply the home of a local hospital but in the summertime it becomes a local night-spot. They build clubs, eateries, shops and a movie theater around the banks on the island. Near the Island is a Church - Basilica di San Nicola in Carcene (I always just wanted to stop in - and it was open!) and a recently restored historical landmark - the temple to Athena a wonderful place to stop and rest in the newly restored gardens... So here are some photos from that adventure:
Tiber Island - quiet now but in June
it will be covered with people
and things to do!
At the base of the Island is an
old bridge that they light up with
different colors at night!

The Basilica di San Nicola
in Carcene - great old church!
Across from Monte Caprino
A park I sometimes go to and read!

Inside - great paintings... alters...

Amazing fresco ceilings...
...and wonderful marble work!

From the outside... just looks like ruins but
inside, as you can see,
just amazing!

The Temple to Athena...
After 2 years of restoration it now
sits proudly & beautifully... to the river and across
from the Bocca della Verita
(the Mouth of Truth)

Fountain w/
Chiesa Comedia
The fountain restored
and running nicely!

Ok, enough roaming around...
On the home-front everything is great!
Unfortunately, Tom has been doing a lot of traveling. He was in Milan for a few days last week and this coming week he will be in Lausanne. Lots of work but we are still making time to play!
I have been doing some spring cleaning in the house. It is amazing how much 'crap' one (or two) accumulate in 2 years... This past Tuesday I finished my Base-relief sculpture 'Spirito Roma Strada'. Now, I have to figure out how to mount it. I think it came out pretty good...take a look:

Hopefully, this week, the Male-form sculpture and the 'Two Seasons' bowl have been fired (baked) so I can start painting them. I'll keep you posted!

For now, I am am going to sign off! We wish all our friends and family much love and happiness!
A special Buon Compleanno (Happy Birthday) to our friends Angi, Tabitha and to my Aunt Helen!

Ciao for now!
Abbracci a tutti!
Ron & Tom