Sunday, February 3, 2013

Novanta tre...

The title of this blog is 'novanta tre' which in English means '93'...
The reason for this is that yesterday was my Dad's 93rd Birthday!
Happy Birthday/Buon Compleanno Dad!
Wow! Tom & I were talking yesterday at lunch about basically taking our age and almost doubling it and we would be my fathers age...Wow! We are just glad to know that he is well and still kicking...
Salute! Here's to you Dad!
Mom & Dad (Villa Borghese 2011)

On the home-front, I just returned from a quick trip back to the US (Richmond VA) and Tom has returned from his business trip to Switzerland.
I really enjoyed being back home and being at the original Barrington Resort & Spa for a few days. While home I had a chance to see some friends and to visit the Richmond SPCA - always a good time!
One of the things I really love about being back in Richmond is having my coffee at the Daily Grind Short Pump! Sam, the owner, and his wife Allison always make me feel like I have never left and always remind me where home is! While there I had the chance to visit with Bill Bangham and his lovely wife Diane - two amazing people! Bill is one of the worlds truly fantastic photographers and his wife just a truly wonderful women and an great knitter...
This time home I was smart enough to ask them to pose for a photo so I could show everybody 4 reasons Richmond will always be home!
Sam, Allison, Bill & Diane at the Daily Grind Short Pump!

If you are ever in Richmond or traveling through the area - stop by and with some great people!
Also, while home I got to spend a lot of good time with Tabitha, Jon, Frieda, Sunny & Frisco at home!
it was good to see everybody - one night Tabitha and I decided to head out to Red Robins (a burger joint) for dinner! Of course the restaurant had its mascot running around - so I revert to a more child like personal are the results:
Me & the Red Robin!

All-in-all it was a wonderful trip back to the states and fantastic seeing all our 'southern' friends!
Back in Rome, I started getting back to normal...
I have just finished reading my 3rd book for 2013 (may not sound like a lot but it is pretty impressive for me). I also went back to my ceramic class to start finishing off some of the projects I have started...
Roma Antique Strada... baking & painting!

My last piece is baked & ready for painting!

Next on the plate (no pun intended) is a surprise for our cousins Diane & Bill! Stay tuned...
Beyond laundry, ceramics and settling back in, I also took time to visit the Quattro Fontane (corner of the four fountains - slated for restoration) and the Museo dei Fori Imperiali (a museum down by Piazza Venezia and the Roman Forum). It turned out to be a beautiful day in the 60s and sunny!

The Quattro Fontaine is a t the corner of Via delle Quattro Fontaine and Via del Quirinale.  Commissioned by Pope Sixtus V in the late 1500's. Once they are restored I will show them to you again...
The Tiber River
(the symbol of Rome)
The Goddess Juno
(the symbol of Strength)

The River Arno
(the symbol of Florence)
The Goddess Diane
(the symbol of Chastity)

The Museo dei Fori Imperiali (Trajans Market) is a large complex of ruins at the opposite end of Fort Imperiali from the Colloseo. It definitely had some interesting views...
A beautiful amphitheater 
A marvelous view of Piazza Venezia

Side view of Il Vittoriano
Outside view of the museum itself!

It was a great day for roaming around Rome!
Other than that everything else is great and we are happy to be home again...
This weekend we are going to see a play - it should be interesting...
We are seeing the Italian version of Priscilla Queen of the Desert (or Priscilla la Regina del Deserto).
A little NYC culture in Rome
Priscilla Queen of the Desert...

Ok, it's time to end this posting...
As always, we wish our friends and family much health and happiness!
Ciao for now...
Abbracci a tutti!
Ron & Tom

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